
Lab 22   Phenylalanine Deamination

Purpose: determine that amino acids can be catabolized by enzymatic conversion to molecules that can enter the Krebs cycle.

Procedure: (source: mission college microbiology copyright 2009 by Melanie O’Brien)

  1. Working in pairs, label 2 phenylalanine slants
  2. Inoculate one tube with Escherichia coli and the other with Proteus vulgaris.
  3. Incubate the tubes, with loosened caps, at 35*C until the next lab period.
  4. Add 5 drops of ferric chloride to the tube, aiming for the top of the slant and letting the drops run down over the area of bacterial growth.  A positive test will quickly develop a dark green color.




Result ( + or – )

E. coli

P. vulgaris



Complete the reaction of alanine deamination.

Alanine  + ½ oxygen  reacting with ( Phenylalanine deaminase)  produces – a  by product of  ((  Pyruvic Acid + Ammonia ))  (source: Brandy)

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